Join the Industry 4.0

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

The new industrial revolution is already a reality, and Mainali has known how to integrate their machines to cutting-edge technology to adapt to the changes and opportunities that Industry 4.0 brings.

This new paradigm involves a new interaction method that allows access to real-time information. Sensors, analysis, and robotics, among others, allow improvements in different ways, as remote access from different devices to obtain an accurate and customized diagnosis as well as the possibility to provide distant technical assistance. 


Within the multiple advantages of this new system highlighted the capacity to learn from the data and adjust the parameters in real-time to optimize productivity.

The remote access to the alarm list enables to speed up the diagnosis of the incidence minimizing the resolution time. Besides, the connection with the Mainali technical service guarantees quick and efficient assistance based on their experience and knowledge. 

This new application allows obtaining the individual performance of each worker during his work shift. The number of cycles per minute or hour and the stops for loading products are an effective indicator to determine if the process is carrying out optimally. The obtention of these data allows the control over each worker yield, which opens the door to the possibility to set up a fair target-based remuneration.